OpenPlant Modeler Help

Conflict Overview

This section is used to run a preliminary check before updating components in documents. It detects errors which cannot be automatically resolved and therefore require manual intervention.

It is often the case in practice that one single component representing all the components with the same item number is finalized. After changes, which also result in changed item numbers, the internal component/document correlations may lead to confusion.

Analysis using this conflict summary provides the necessary clarity and offers some tools for a solution.

Potential conflict scenarios

There are several possible conflict scenarios which are automatically detected by the system. A requirement for this however is careful work with revision control – in particular as regards the storage and updating of models.

The following assumes that components with the item number 1 are present twice in the model. Only component (A) has been finalized and therefore also represents component (B).

Imagine you have a change which applies equally to both components or else – more unfortunately – just one of the components. Or one of the components has been deleted or copied, that means the total number of parts is changed.

  1. Both changed, both item numbers unchanged

    In this case an update can take place, as nothing changes in the significance of the correlations. Therefore this is simply a deficient updating of the document (Updating conflict).

  2. Both changed, both item numbers also new

    This is also not a problem, as following updating the document will likewise display the new item number. Therefore this is simply a deficient updating of the document (Updating conflict).

  3. One component changed, related item number remains same

    Now you have an error in the positioning. This has nothing to do with document management, but is likewise detected. First of all you have to correct the positioning (Very severe conflict).

  4. One component changed, related item number changed

    The relationship of the documents will now lead to problems. Depending on which component you have changed, you will receive different responses (Severe conflict).

    If you have changed the subordinate and therefore the not-inserted component (B), then the updating will correctly detect the drawing for the inserted component (A). However you now lack the new detailing for component (B).

    If however you have changed the primary and therefore the inserted component (A), then updating will amend the drawing to the changed status and show the changed item as well. However, you lose the correlation to the formerly subordinate component (B), which was also represented by the drawing and is now missing.

  5. Component deleted or copied

    As the total number of components is not automatically updated, an incorrect number of parts will be displayed in the updated documents where these are shown (Severe conflict).